On 11/28/2012 10:48 PM, John Wendel wrote:
On 11/28/2012 08:16 PM, JD wrote:
On 11/28/2012 08:21 PM, Cameron Simpson wrote:
On 28Nov2012 15:37, JD <jd1...@gmail.com> wrote:
| While building the kernel from source RPM, I run
| the command ps -ef | grep make in another terminal,
| and I do see that 4 make processes are running, with
| each one building objects for a different kernel source
| directory.
| However, something else seems to be single threaded
| which is causing the huge delay in finishing kernel build.
| I found that when I run top to see the upper-most
| cpu consumers, I see only one cc1 process at the top.
| So I ran ps again to see how many cc1 processes there
| are.
| Always - just one cc1 process.
| I would expect to see anywhere from 1 to 4 cc1 processes
| at a time. But that is not the case.
| What is forcing only a single instance of cc1 at a time?
Is make running with the "-j 4" (or whatever value) option?
I had already said that after running rpmbuild,
ps -ef shows 4 make processes running.
So, it must be picking up -j4 from somewhere,
perhaps from one of the rpmbuild macros.
But as I also stated, when files are being compiled, one of the stages
of compilation is cc1. Since there are 4 make processes running at a
with each make process running for one of the dirs containing kernel c
source files, then one woould expect to see anywhere from 1 to cc1
processes running during the build.
I only see a single cc1 process running during the entire kernel
build duration,
by running ps -ef | grep cc1
every 5 seconds.
I never see more than a single instance of cc1.
I can't help with this question, but I build a new kernel (from
kernel.org) whenever they appear.
This never takes more than 5 or 6 minutes on a slow 2-cpu AMD box with
only 1 GB memory. I usually
don't specify "-j", so I only have one process running.
I think you're seeing something seriously broken if your builds are
taking a huge amount of time.
Thank you John.
However, my fc16 is kept totally up-to-date with daily updates!!
I just finished building kernel.i686 0:3.7.0-0.rc7.git1.1 from Fedora
Rawhide Source RPM.
I used the rpmbuild options:
--without bootwrapper --without debug --without debuginfo --without
highbank --without imx --without kirkwood --without omap --without pae
--without perf --without perf --without smp --without tegra --without
and it still took 11 hours!!! It produced:
I do not think that what you build from kernel tarball from mainline
performs the same compilations as building from an rpm source using
As a side note to Bruno, who wanted me to build and try this kernel:
I will reboot immediately after sending this message with this kernel
I just built.
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