Am 16.11.2012 21:45, schrieb lee:
> 1.) omit the search option
> 2.) put a non-existent domain into the search option
> 3.) put an existing domain into the search option
> No. 2.) isn't useful


> no. 3.) leads to unexpected results and
> confusion[1] and therefore isn't very useful, either.  It leads to
> unexpected results and confusion because who says that when someone does
> 'ping host' or something similar that they want to refer to any external
> hosts?

it is designed for people who have tehir own domain and
even if it is only a named in the local network

> So why specify a search option in this case?

because it does not hurt much and bring you a lot of
benfits in networks with a local domain, maybe i would
need a new keyboard this time if i have to type
"" in any workflow i do (rsync, ssh...)

> [1]: unless it is your own domain, which doesn't apply in this case
>      because there is none, and there is no name resolution for hosts on
>      the LAN that would be part of such a domain so that 'ping host'
>      won't work with 'search' anyway, and that makes
>      specifying the search option pointless because it will either not
>      work or only lead to confusion and unexpected results which is why
>      the OP might not want to use the search option with his
>      caching-only name server

not really

the only thing that happens is that any name resolution tries
"", i agree that it makes no sense if there
is no useful domain but the benefits for cases where you have
one beats the overhead easily

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