Tony Molloy <> writes:

> On Saturday 10 November 2012 16:05:49 lee wrote:
>> Hi,
>> apparently network manager continues to overwrite /etc/resolv.conf
>>  with incorrect data.  Adjusting it with system-config-network
>>  doesn't help.
>> I have:
>> ,----
>> | UUID="4881d1f8-79a5-46f3-a490-2464eebd89aa"
>> | ONBOOT=yes
>> | TYPE=Ethernet
>> | IPV6INIT=no
>> | NAME="System em1"
>> | HWADDR=00:24:21:f3:94:ed
>> | BOOTPROTO=none
>> | DEFROUTE=yes
>> | USERS=root
>> | USERCTL=no
>> | IPADDR=
>> | DNS1=
>> | PREFIX=24
>> `----
>> ... and the copies of that file under the different names are all
>>  the same.  After some time, /etc/resolv.conf will be empty, and it
>>  sometimes is missing the "search" entry.
>> Why is the network manager going crazy and doesn't stick with the
>> information I'm giving it, and how do I fix this?  Name resolution
>>  going down because /etc/resolv.conf keeps getting overwritten
>>  causes very annoying interruptions.
>> I know I could disable network manager, but that isn't really a
>> solution.  I need it solved before I go to sleep, though.
> A kludge to fix this is to make resolv.conf immutable. Then 
> NetworkManager or nothing else can interfere with it.
> Set up /etc/resolv.conf as you want it.
> Then as root:
>      chattr -i /etc/resolv.conf
> Now nothing can change /etc/resolv.conf
> If you need to edit it later then as root:
>      chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf
> A kludge but it works ;-)

Cool, thank you :)  I didn't know about the chattr command and what it
can do.  That may be very useful :)

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