Am 11.11.2012 17:47, schrieb lee:
> Robert Moskowitz <> writes:
>> On 11/10/2012 10:08 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
>>> On 11/10/2012 07:40 AM, JD wrote:
>>>> On 11/10/2012 07:15 PM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
>>>>> I just got a Trio v418 that was advertised as supporting mp4 video, but 
>>>>> it does not.  Only AMV.
>>>>> So is there a tool to convert mp4 videos to AMV format with 160x120 
>>>>> resolution?
>>>> ffmpeg or mencoder can do it.
>>>> You must read the man page on how to....
>>> FYI, the ffmpeg supplied from rpmfusion-free does not support amv format.
>>> ffmpeg -formats shows the list of formats.
>> seems to point to amv
>> being supported in ffmpeg. (it seems amv is an mp4 variant, so they
>> are only slightly missleading about the mp4 support)
>> and
>> seems to supply how to use ffmpeg to convert.
>> So I tried what is in the f16 repo and it did not work:
>> Requested output format 'amv' is not a suitable output format
> Perhaps you need to compile your own version of ffmpeg; amv support
> could be a compile-time option that wasn't enabled when they compiled it
> for Fedora?

a optimized ffmpeg-build supporting any codec
is done here with the SPEC below

this is a x86_64 build only becasue i686 does not exist in myworld

[builduser@buildserver:~]$ cat /rpmbuild/SPECS/ffmpeg.spec
Summary:           Hyper fast Audio and Video encoder
Name:              ffmpeg
Version:           0.10.6
Release:           3%{?dist}
License:           GPLv3+
Group:             Applications/Multimedia
Source0:           ffmpeg-%{version}.tar.bz2
BuildRoot:         %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} 
BuildRequires:     bzip2-devel
BuildRequires:     dirac-devel
BuildRequires:     faac-devel
BuildRequires:     faad2-devel
BuildRequires:     gsm-devel
BuildRequires:     imlib2-devel
BuildRequires:     lame-devel
BuildRequires:     libtheora-devel
BuildRequires:     libvdpau-devel
BuildRequires:     libvorbis-devel
BuildRequires:     openjpeg-devel
BuildRequires:     schroedinger-devel
BuildRequires:     SDL-devel
BuildRequires:     texi2html
BuildRequires:     x264-devel
BuildRequires:     xvidcore-devel
BuildRequires:     zlib-devel
BuildRequires:     opencore-amr-devel
BuildRequires:     libvpx-devel
BuildRequires:     librtmp-devel
BuildRequires:     opencv-devel
BuildRequires:     freetype-devel
BuildRequires:     yasm
Requires:          sh-utils
Requires(preun):   systemd-units
Requires(postun):  systemd-units
Obsoletes:         qt-faststart

FFMpeg is a complete and free Internet live audio and video
broadcasting solution for Linux/Unix. It also includes a digital
VCR. It can encode in real time in many formats including MPEG1 audio
and video, MPEG4, h263, ac3, asf, avi, real, mjpeg, and flash.

%package        libs
Summary:        Libraries for %{name}
Group:          System Environment/Libraries

%description    libs
FFMpeg is a complete and free Internet live audio and video
broadcasting solution for Linux/Unix. It also includes a digital
VCR. It can encode in real time in many formats including MPEG1 audio
and video, MPEG4, h263, ac3, asf, avi, real, mjpeg, and flash.
This package contains the libraries for %{name}

%package        devel
Summary:        Development package for %{name}
Group:          Development/Libraries
Requires:       %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:       pkgconfig

%description    devel
FFMpeg is a complete and free Internet live audio and video
broadcasting solution for Linux/Unix. It also includes a digital
VCR. It can encode in real time in many formats including MPEG1 audio
and video, MPEG4, h263, ac3, asf, avi, real, mjpeg, and flash.
This package contains development files for %{name}

%setup -q -n ffmpeg-%{version}

mkdir generic
pushd generic
../configure \
 --prefix=/usr \
 --bindir=/usr/bin \
 --datadir=/usr/share/ffmpeg \
 --incdir=/usr/include/ffmpeg \
 --libdir=/usr/lib64 \
 --mandir=/usr/man \
 --arch=x86_64 \
 --extra-cflags="-I/usr/include -O3 -march=corei7 -mtune=corei7 -mmmx -msse2 
-msse3 -msse4.1 -msse4.2 -fopenmp
-mfpmath=sse -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -pipe 
-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions" \
 --extra-ldflags="-I/usr/include -L/usr/lib64" \
 --enable-nonfree \
 --enable-gpl \
 --enable-version3 \
 --enable-libopencore-amrnb \
 --enable-libopencore-amrwb \
 --enable-libdirac \
 --enable-libfaac \
 --enable-libgsm \
 --enable-libmp3lame \
 --enable-libopenjpeg \
 --enable-libschroedinger \
 --enable-libtheora \
 --enable-libvorbis \
 --enable-libx264 \
 --enable-libxvid \
 --enable-libvpx \
 --enable-librtmp \
 --enable-libfreetype \
 --enable-libopencv \
 --enable-shared \
 --enable-runtime-cpudetect \
 --disable-static \
 --disable-libspeex \
 --disable-amd3dnow \
 --disable-amd3dnowext \
 --disable-protocol=gopher \
 --disable-debug \
 --disable-doc \

make %{?_smp_mflags}
make documentation
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/usr/bin/
gcc $CURRENT_DIR/tools/qt-faststart.c -o qt-faststart

pushd generic
install -D -m0755 qt-faststart "%{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/qt-faststart"


%post libs -p /sbin/ldconfig

%postun libs -p /sbin/ldconfig


%files libs

%files devel

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