Bruno Wolff III <> writes:

> On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 20:07:23 +0100,
>   lee <> wrote:
>>Bruno Wolff III <> writes:
>>> On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 17:05:49 +0100,
>>>   lee <> wrote:
>>>>Why is the network manager going crazy and doesn't stick with the
>>>>information I'm giving it, and how do I fix this?  Name resolution going
>>>>down because /etc/resolv.conf keeps getting overwritten causes very
>>>>annoying interruptions.
>>> Do you have a wireless interface? Setting up a wireless connection can
>>> modify /etc/resolv.conf.
>>No, just two on-board wired ethernet interfaces one of which I turned
>>off.  That couldn't be handled with networkmanager ...
> That's odd, as /etc/resolv.conf should only change when your network
> changes. Typically that would be when a new connection is made or one
> is shut down. Do you have anything odd with DHCP on your network? Are
> there any issues with your cables?

No, I'm not using DHCP, and the cables are fine.  I have a theory about
what it might be, though.  Is "system-config-network" related to
networkmanager, or is it something else?

>>All the Fedora documentation says I shouldn't disable it, and I don't
>>know well enough yet how things are done in Fedora to decide whether
>>it's a good idea to disable it or not.  Having a service running that
>>constantly monitors and changes the files is certainly a bad idea.
> Well, if you disble network manager, you will need to enable network
> or you network interfaces won't be set up. So you can't just blindly
> disable it. For now the network service will do what you want.

I have disabled it and hopefully switched sucessfully.  I didn't have a
choice because even with /etc/resolv.conf set to read-only, it was still
being overwritten.

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