"Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA" <bobgood...@wildblue.net> writes:

>    My ISP appears to have a dns problem today. it has been taking as
>    much as one minute to deal wit an address! I appears that we are
>    locked into using the Viasat provided dns, the usual alternatives
>    like opndns do not work.
>    I installed caching-nameserver which seems to restore things to normal.
>        yum install caching-nameserver
>        I have two questions:
>        1: It seems to me that it must have to collect and accumulate
>        it's own list of addresses which would mean it is normal for it
>        to work faster the second time an address is requested of it?
>        2: Is there a practical way to share my Linux dns with other
>        [Apple Mac, etc.] computers on our LAN?

You could as well install bind instead and allow clients to use it.
Fedora has system-config-bind-gui to make it easy to set up.  When you
are at it, you could add squid and let the clients use it as well ...

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