On 11/01/2012 05:56 PM, Ian Malone wrote:

> Well, I'm not about to start hacking on Anaconda for all sorts of
> reasons. If everyone on this list started contributing patches I doubt
> that would actually get us closer to a 'solution'. Writing code for
> the component in question isn't a prerequisite for worrying about the
> process that got us to this point.
> (Personally the extra time is giving the Jam spin more time to get
> finalised, which is good, but then I'm not one of the people who has
> to attend weekly blocker reviews on this topic or unable to do
> anything because they're stuck in beta freeze.)

Anyone could test out the night snapshots or release candidates and
report bugs.  That will help catch issues early and fix them.  One
doesn't have to be able to hack Anaconda to participate.  Less than a
dozen people in the world will be able to do that efficiently in the
middle of a rewrite anyway


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