Am 13.10.2012 13:46, schrieb Frank Murphy:
> How can I completly remove all remnants of an old eth1
> Everytime I go to add a new nic it wants to call it eth1
> I will be replacing the old nic with ano identical chipped card,
> which it wants to call eth1
> I would prefer eth0
> F17 using system-config-network
> I have through s-c-n removed all hardware nic,
> also removeed ~/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth*
> Keeps coming back
> Where else do I look

/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules this is the only
place which matters for manual NIC-naming and ifcfg_eth*
scripts should NOT contain MAC-addresses to leave the
udev-rule the only point to assign

you need to reboot or restat udev

cat /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
# PCI device 0x8086:0x1502 (e1000e)
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", 
ATTR{address}=="3c:d9:2c:65:95:9f", ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0",
ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth0"

# PCI device 0x8086:0x10d3 (e1000e)
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", 
ATTR{address}=="00:1b:21:a6:91:e4", ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0",
ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth1"

# PCI device 0x168c:0x0024 (ath9k)
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", 
ATTR{address}=="fc:75:12:5e:cf:e5", ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0",
ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="wlan*", NAME="wlan0"

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