On Thu, 2012-09-27 at 07:37 -0400, Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA
> On 27/09/12 06:25, Suvayu Ali types:
> > xdg-mime default vlc.desktop `xdg-mime query filetype /path/to/file.mov`
> Am I missing a file? I re-installed everything in the computer about a 
> week ago, should have been complete from scratch. I always start with a 
> USB live spin and then add the extras that I want, mostly with yum, 

"mostly from yum" might be the problem. Did you install Parole from yum?

> during the configuration effort ...
>     [bobg@box9 ~]$ xdg-mime default vlc.desktop `xdg-mime query filetype
>     /path/to/file.mov`
>     xdg-mime: file '/path/to/file.mov' does not exist

You need to substitute the actual filename of the .mov file.

>     xdg-mime: mimetype argument missing
>     Try 'xdg-mime --help' for more information.
>     [bobg@box9 ~]$ cat xdg-mime
>     cat: xdg-mime: No such file or directory

That's never going to work unless you happen to be in the directory
where the xdg-mime command lives (and if it's an executable then catting
it to the screen is pointless and may screw up your terminal modes). Try
'type xdg-mime'. Besides, you've already demonstrated that you have the
command because it gave you an error message.


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