On 09/23/2012 09:10 PM, Thomas Cameron wrote:
Howdy All -

I have an old 80GB iPod that has a bunch of music on it that I'd like to get off.

I've tried to use gtkpod, but the stock export dumps everything into one directory. That's not very useful.

Does anyone know of a way to dump an iPod to my filesystem with the format:


I do  not have an ipod, so I have to ask some questions:

Is your ipod filesystem mounted on Linux when you plug your ipod into USB?

If yes, can you browse it from a a gnome terminal?

If yes, is your music already organized on the ipod as .... /[artist]/[album]/[track] ?

If yes, then do as follows:

cd to your ipod's filesystem just above the ipod directory, so that
when you do ls, you should see the ipod directory.
Now all you do is

mkdir -p /home/Music
tar cf - ipod | tar -C /home/Music -xpf -

when done your music will be be organized as you require.

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