On 12/09/12 12:36, Rick Stevens types:
On 09/12/2012 08:20 AM, Marvin Kosmal uttered this comment:
On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 7:49 AM, Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA
<bobgood...@wildblue.net> wrote:
On 12/09/12 10:30, Ed Greshko types:

On 09/12/2012 09:31 PM, Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA wrote:
      My NFS server shows:

      [bobg@box7 SRVR1]$ ll


          drwxr-xr-x.   2 nobody nobody     4096 Sep 12 09:16 VideoClips
That is what you see on you *server*?

      What does "nobody" mean? I assume if no one owns it it is available
      to all?

      My immediate problem is that my daughter can't access files with her
      Apple Mac desktop box. Trying to find out why.

     Yes, that is what I see on box8 [nfs server] from box9 [F-17/64] at
I'm confused. The prompt at the "ll" command shows "box7" but you're
saying the output is from box8 and you can see the files on box9. You
need to clarify your network.

   Yeah, I was confused too, box9 is not in use today this is box7, I
   forgot where I was.

Which machine is the actual NFS server? What is it actually exporting
(output of "showmount -e")?

   Box8 is the nfs server, it's SL-6/64 bit and NS4.

   And I'm not sure what this means:

       [root@box7 SRVR1]# showmount -e
       clnt_create: RPC: Program not registered

Which machines are NFS clients and how is the export mounted (output of
the "mount" command that shows the NFS mount).

   The clients we are 7, 9 not running, and 44 [ MacPro 31
   desktop computer. There are others, all Apple stuff.

     I can access the files from box9 but she can not from her Mac on our

Are you a member of the nobody group?
That shouldn't be an issue as the owner and group are nobody but the
directory is "other: read execute". We don't have any information on
the files IN the directory.

We have noted that there is an issue with some later MacOS versions
(can't recall if it's SnowLeopard or what) that will have issues if the
export from the NFS server uses wildcards in the export. Seems to work
if one uses a CIDR network instead of wildcarded host names.

   She has the latest version of OSX, whatever that's called, but there
   are no wild cards used that I am aware of.

   However after she left I got to the Mac computer and found that
   connecting to the server as she was doing produces an error message
   that we have no permission to connect!

   I went to and connected and was able to display MP4
   videos using VLC that I must have installed a few months ago. I am
   not familiar with the Mac and was not able to get it to work with
   some .flv files with VLC or another program that keeps popping up, I
   forget what it's called.

   So the nature of the problem changes. I need to learn how to convert
   .flv to .mp4 with ffmpeg which it seems is supposed to be able to do
   that but I haven't had much success. Firefox has an add-on
   "dwhelper" that will sometimes convert and save a video file as mp4,
   it hasn't worked reliably for me though, I had no success saving
   .flv as mp4.

   So that's where I stand now, just wanted to explain. Thanks to all,




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