It sometimes boggles the mind how much the "Average User" DOESN'T know about the system they're using! (I myself am guilty of this very crime!)


On 09/10/2012 04:38 AM, Roger wrote:

Actually with Windows 7 (and apparently Vista, too) it is more like you
are logged in to an account that is more or less sort of (and more weasel words) equivalent to a Linux account in the wheel group for running sudo.
You CAN do "most" "root" commands; but, you must perform a GUI based
equivalent of sudo first. You can even log into a "sort of root" account
by running the command prompt as administrator. By default you run as a
standard user as in modern Linux setups. (And, yes, this is just as
annoying to serious experienced Windows users on Windows 7 as it is for
serious experienced Linux users on a Linux distro.) It IS, however, worlds
safer when considering malware or clumsy-wetware.

  Ya gotta love Linux, no fuddling.

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