On 09/09/2012 02:00 PM, users-requ...@lists.fedoraproject.org wrote:
Sound advice indeed....and slowly but surely I'm getting the hang of
it....but like......what you just described would have been for
me?.....a TOTAL re-installation of EVERYTHING!......I wonder if there's
a "manual" with all the commands one might need? And then another
question would be: Are the commands different dependent on the distro
you use?...will the same commands work in Ubuntu.....Fedora.....Linux
Mint......Mandriva etc? And I guess THIS is the reason a lot of people
won't live Windows....because there's just TOO much information to
absorb....at times I almost feel like crawling back into my "Regedit" /
"Task Manager" hole and staying there, but after being exposed to Linux
I don't think I could EVER allow myself to fall back into that
ignorant......close-minded state. Soooo......If it means hours upon
hours of studying Linux commands then so be it. Eventually I think I'm
going to pursue a "cert" in Linux...nothing major just a general cert
that can allow me to get my foot in the door,....and in doing so I'm
almost 100% certain that I'll need "terminal skills' in order to pass
the exams....



I've just "found" -I guess it wasn't lost, but I didn't know about it - "The Linux Command Line" as a .pdf, some 500 pages of (to my mind) friendly explanation of the Command Line. It shows differences between distros, & gives lots of "go try this & see what happens....". So far (page 120) my system still works!!!!

The file name I have is http://sourceforge.net/projects/linuxcommand/files/TLCL/09.12/tlcl-09.12.pdf

The book can also be purchased ready printed from:

Hope that helps


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