On Thu, 6 Sep 2012 08:16:45 -0500, Ranjan Maitra wrote:

> Since I don't see how one can compel an owner to inform all when he
> leaves (unless done voluntarily), perhaps one way out could be to have
> co-maintainers be informed if BZ requests have not been acted (not
> necessarily resolved) on for more than a month (pick a reasonable
> timeframe)?

They should know already. Co-maintainers can choose not to be added to
bugzilla Cc in case they receive too much bugzilla traffic for other
packages. But real co-maintainers would _actively_ monitor and respond
to bugzilla traffic as well as keep an eye on pkg git commit notifications.

In Fedora pkgdb you can see how many maintainers receive bugzilla traffic
for a package. If there are multiple people with "watchbugzilla" access
in pkgdb, but the tickets in bugzilla are not responded to, that may
be reason to be concerned. Consider contributing in such a case.

> At the same time, requests could go out for more
> co-maintainer (volunteers) if the number of co-maintainers drops
> precipitously low?

Difficult to answer. Some package owners don't like to have co-maintainers.
They fear a package might be "taken away" from them or that they lose control
over the package if somebody else is more active.
Hence it better be the opposite, that people with interest in a package
try to get involved sooner and become co-maintainers even in cases where
some "primary maintainer" seems to be active enough. Of course, once you
volunteer, it could happen that a maintainer would happily give away a
package to you and focus on something else.

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