On 08/27/2012 11:38 PM, Fernando Cassia wrote:

On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 11:30 PM, Eddie G. O'Connor Jr. <eoconno...@gmail.com <mailto:eoconno...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Will have to figure out which one will be a server...a storage

Linux is linux.... you will learn that after fiddling with several distros. Each will have its own arrangement of icons, desktop manager, choice of pre-installed packages, but in the end... all are Linux... usually with the same applications available from its repos....

So, it´s always wise to "KISS" (Keep it simple, s...eriously)

I have chosen fedora because:

1. It´s got a large users community, so software is tested by hundreds of thosands (millions?) of eyes, and bugs are identified faster and solutions-bugfixes workarounds arribe quicker 2. it´s as close to ´bleding edge´ (latest versions of gnome, etc) as comfortably possible, without being alpha-quality software 3. being one of the "top 3" distros (Fedora, Ubuntu, SUSE), I never ran across a piece of software that I wanted to install that didn t have a fedora rpm available. 4. it´s got corporate backing/funding so its long-term prospects are somewhat secure.

Of course there´s tons of niche ´community´ distros but IMHO it´s akin to flying in a small single-engine fumigation airplane that takes off from an unpaved runway... you can get your own ´custom´ flight experience and custom decorated airplane but you can´t really blame anyone or expect top level service when things go wrong... specially in points #1 and #3 above...

So, I´d rather fly United... ;) er... Fedora

This actually makes sense to me! I've been mucking about with a few other distros and I'm discovering that the Gnome desktop environment suits me fine....although Cinnamon, MATE, and KDE are very nice eye candy that would be great substitutes should the Gnome people ever decide to call it quits. I'm also loving the Community here, it appears to be HUGE! So I think I'll keep flying "Fedora Airways" and just use the smaller planes for testing, storage etc....

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