On Wed, 2012-08-22 at 21:57 -0400, Eddie G. O'Connor Jr. wrote:
> On 08/22/2012 09:46 PM, Troy wrote:
> >> EGO II
> OK so first off...this drive was "created" and used on a Windows XP/7 
> computer...which I have neither of so I can only assume they're NTFS 
> files. When I say they're locked, all the data is "missing" or "hidden" 
> by something called "WD SmartWare"...there's nothing visible on the 
> drive but some folders with user manuals in various languages, and three 
> ".exe" files...the SmartWare one....another called "Virtual CD 
> Manager.exe"..and finally one ominously called "Unlocker.exe" I've tried 
> to access any and all of them to no avail....

First off, I haven't the first clue what that crap is. What I would do
is install virtualbox and then create a virtual windows machine to try
to work with this drive. You are usually better off installing vbox from
the rpms at virtualbox.org than yum.

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