The router on this F-17/64 bit computer runs DD-WRT. Under Status >
   LAN > Active Clients there are columns for "Conn. Count" and "Ratio
   [4096]."  I am viewing that page on box7. When box9 [F-17/64] is
   running Conn. Count increases from a one or two digit number to
   three digits, e.g. 600, when I start Firefox it increases to four
   digits, sometimes as high as 3000+. This problem just appeared this
   morning and I have been puzzling over it for a while trying to pin
   down the source, box9 is all I'm sure of.

   When I run a different route running "Tomato" instead of DD-WRT I
   can see a number of "dropped" entry's logged. The log function in
   DD-WRT does not work ...

   Whatever is going on it's worrisome, I do little "surfing" and have
   no MS Windows. I have installed fail2ban in the last hour.

   Any thoughts and/or suggestions?





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