On 08/15/2012 02:07 PM, Sawrub wrote:
> Hello All,
> On August 11 the latest Kernel 'kernel-3.5.0-2.fc17.x86_64' was updated 
> via YUM and on rebooting the machine, there was an error similar to 
> 'Welcome to emergency mode. Use systemctl default or ^D to active 
> default mode' for a second drive on the machine other then the one with 
> the installation.

3.5.0-2 seems to be buggy! Try kernel-3.5.1-1 from Bodhi! I made good
experiences with this kernel:


> But when I tried booting the machine with the old kernel 
> 'kernel-3.4.6-2.fc17.x86_64', the system came up fine. So to my surprise 
> the issue is there with the new kernel. Did anyone else saw/faced the issue.
> For the time being i've removed the kernel 3.5 from my machine and its 
> working fine. Will be happy to help to resolve this problem.
> Attached is the dmesg log for the kernel 3.5 boot-up.

Kind regards

Joachim Backes <joachim.bac...@rhrk.uni-kl.de>


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