On 08/08/12 10:10, Ed Greshko types:
On 08/08/2012 10:01 PM, Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA wrote:
Replaced F-16/64 with F-17/64 on "box7" and see a problem I seem to
have every time I do this.
Presently box7 will ssh into box9 but box9 can not get into box7,
[root@box9 .ssh]# ssh bobg@
ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host
root or user,
[bobg@box9 ~]$ ssh bobg@
ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host
sshd is enabled and running on both, I've tried rm'ing "known_hosts"
and letting it regenerate, all to no avail.
I've seen this with several generations of Fedora [and different
equipment] and it's always the same, a few days or weeks later it
magically begins to work! All my computers in this room connect to a
gigabit switch, [even the switch has been replaced], and our
wireless LAN.
At times this is a serious inconvenience leading to typing errors, etc.
Any ideas what I have missed?
Assuming you've ssh'd to yourself on box7 and that works....sounds as if your
firewall doesn't have port 22 open.
Ok,the firewall is the problem! I had run "setup" as I have done
many times and saw nothing out of the ordinary, looked the same [but
obviously something was different] so I dropped that idea.
Now I disabled the firewall and immediately got a connection from
box9, re-enabled the firewall, it still connects?
[bobg@box9 ~]$ ssh bobg@
bobg@'s password:
Last login: Wed Aug 8 10:30:11 2012 from box9
I guess this makes me look even less competent than usual but I did
look at this earlier and saw no reason to suspect the firewall. Will
add that to my Linux notes ...
Thanks to all,
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