Ok so FINALLY I've gone ahead and gotten my laptop upgraded to Fedora 17! But I now am trying to play .mp4 / .flv/ .avi movies on it and getting an error message telling me that there are plugins missing. I also get error messages when I try to play mp3's. Even though I get system sounds. Is there something I've missed? I've followed most of the online forums which recommed installing something called RPM Fusion, but when I did that and then tried the Movie Player again I got the same window now telling me that there's an ASF demuxer missing........(sigh!) why couldn't the building of these distros have included this stuff? I'm getting tired of having to search for things that should be included with an OS, and I'm not realy bashing or complaining to anyone in particular, but it just seems to me that these things should be "standard" no?....I mean whether it's a $82,000.00 or a $4,000.00 car they BOTH come with a steering wheel, brakes, windows, headlights, brake-lights a trunk, windshield wipers etc.....those things are STANDARD.....why cannot these distros be the same?.....if it's a licensig issue or some sort of violaton of some technology thing, why can't someone create the substitute?.....kind of like how they came out with LightSpark & GNash to replace Flash.....it's just kind of annoying is all But any help anyone can give would be greatly appreciated! Thanks In Advance....

Error From Video Player:
Movie Player requires additional plugins to decode this file
The following plugins are required: MPEG-4 AAC decoder
                                                      H.264 decoder
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Error from RhythmBox Media Player:
Rhythmbox requires an additional plugin to decode this file
The following plugin is required: MPEG-1 Layer 3 decoder
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