On 08/01/2012 01:10 PM, Frank Cox wrote:
On Wed, 1 Aug 2012 18:49:01 +0200
Christopher Svanefalk wrote:

Why is this not being brought into a courtroom, rather than companies just
paying licenses?

License Fee: $1

Legal cost to fight it in court: $2

Chance of winning in court: < 100%   (Note: 99.9999% is still < 100%)

What course of action would be best for your company in this situation like

Somehow I think that a battle like this would have to be "won" by the Average Joe's (and Jane's) out there who've had enough of Redmond's asinine tactics. Sometimes it takes the army of ANTS to completely paralyze and destroy the elephant. I know it's always one of those "Yeah....but what can _I _do?....I'm just ONE person" But if you REALLY consider it...we're a lot stronger in numbers...and when I see some of the e-mail addresses here....from places like Sweden...or Russia...and almost every corner of the world...why CAN'T we stop 'em?.....what're they gonna do come and slap a license on EVERY machine on the planet running Fedora?...or for that matter running ANY version of Linux?...highly unlikely. And it's not like we have to walk around with batons or guns....just a simple "shedding of light" on Microsoft's tactics could get this so far in front of the spotlight that they'd be shamed into retreating....it may sound silly but it's better than cowering in a corder and cursing the day they were born!....just my opinion!...

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