Thanks Ed!....I'll try that and let you know how it goes...

Sent from Eddie's Cell Phone

----- Reply message -----
From: "Ed Greshko" <>
To: "Community support for Fedora users" <>
Subject: Unable To Update.....
Date: Mon, Jul 30, 2012 8:56 pm

On 07/31/2012 08:46 AM, Eddie G.O'Connor Jr-I wrote:
> I'm currently finding it difficult to upgrade my Fedora 16 laptop. I have 
> tried being selective and choosing just one or two of the updates in the he 
> updates list, hoping that after they went through I'd be able to do the rest 
> but to no avail. I would like to submit a photo of the actual updates, but I 
> think I remember reading that it's not allowed on this mailing list. SO I 
> have just copied the names of the updates, and the error message I get when 
> it fails. Hopefully someone can help me out with this!?
> Name Of Updates:
> "The Linux Kernel": kernel-3.4.6-1.fc16 (32-bit)
> "Development package for building kernel modules to match the kernel": 
> kernel-devel-3.4.6-1.fc16 (32-bit)
> "Header files for the Linux kernel for use by glibc": 
> kernel-headers-3.4.6-1.fc16 (32-bit)
> "Assortment of tools for the Linux kernel": kernel-tools-3.4.6-1.fc16 (32-bit)
> List of Errors upon failure to upgrade:
>> ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:
>> kernel-uname-r = 2.6.40-4.fc15.i686 is needed by 
>> kmod-wl-2.6.40-4.fc15.i686-
>> kernel-uname-r = is needed by 
>> kmod-wl-
>> kernel-uname-r = is needed by 
>> kmod-wl-
>> Please report this error at 
> Thank in advance for any help!

It sounds like you are trying to upgrade from F16 to F17?  Via what method?

And you have F15 stuff still on your F16 system?

Maybe a good idea would be to first run yum distro-sync ....  And find whatever 
else is hanging around from F15.

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