Hi all,

I'm running F17/x86_64 with GNOME3 and additionally nautilus as file manager.

Anybody sees the following audio CD behaviour?

If inserting an audio CD and clicking on the computer icon of the desktop, I see the CD drive as "CD/DVD Drive: Audio Disc". OK. Then selecting the drive with the right mouse button shows no "Open with..." entry. Only after a double click on the CD icon, nautilus opens a window showing all audio tracks as .wav files. Then I have to go back with the arrow-left icon (top/right on that window), and now I'm able for example to select rhythmbox (with the right mouse button) as tool for opening the CD.

That means: each time I want to play the CD, a lot of steps are needed.

How to get rid of this behaviour?

Kind regards

Joachim Backes

Joachim Backes <joachim.bac...@rhrk.uni-kl.de>


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