On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 12:08 PM, Joe Zeff <j...@zeff.us> wrote:

> On 07/15/2012 11:49 AM, Richard Vickery wrote:
>> Given this, if one were so naive to install this virus, would Bleachit
>> be able to get rid of it? Is the program intuitive enough - or can we
>> program it to be such - to get rid of this, or any other malicious code
>> for people who might be so inclined to install it?
> No.  I take it that you haven't installed or run Bleachbit yet or you
> wouldn't be asking.  All it does is get rid of cruft, temp files, and such,
> including emptying caches and "vacuuming" databases.  (AFAIK, the standard
> term for that is "compressing," and I've no idea why they didn't use it.)
>  Still, it can recover a remarkable amount of space if used properly.
> --
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Thanks for the clarification Joe. Instead of yum, I went to read about it
in the "Add/remove Programs" and that bit of writing sounded like it might
have done what I had assumed. Again, thanks for this.
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