Robert P. J. Day wrote:
> i suspect it's going to take some work just to figure out what's worth
> moving to the SSD for extra speed.  i'm thinking that i can *start*
> with what you did -- install to the SSD only, but put /home on the
> second drive, then over time, decide what's worth migrating to the
> SSD.

What I’d recommend is putting an empty /home on the SSD too, mount the
traditional hard drive somewhere like /home2 or /home/hard-drive, move
the small commonly used /home folders into /home on the SSD, and
symlink everything else into place.

So, for example, $HOME/Videos would be a symlink to
/home2/username/Videos, and $HOME/src would be a symlink to

Actually, I’d be tempted to see if I could put the $HOME/src on the SSD,
too, and time what sort of difference it made doing a software build.
Accessing lots of small files is what a SSD shines at.

Keep videos, recorded music, and other big files you access sequentially
on the traditional hard drive: that’s what hard drives are good at.


E-mail:     james@ | “Never trust a species that grins all the time. | It’s up to something.”
                   |     -- Terry Pratchett, about dolphins
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