On Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 11:04 PM, Fernando Cassia <fcas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 10:10 PM, Robert Myers <rbmyers...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Flash actually works for Windows, and I need Flash (I know...pathetic, isn't
>> it?)
> Adobe gets in bed with Google to promote Chrome and makes Flash
> available on Chrome only and this is a fault of Fedora or Linux,
> exactly HOW? and how do you suppose the Fedora team could fix it,
> technilcally, if Flash is closed source and Adobe doesn't make a
> version available?
It should have been clear, but I suppose I must state it explicitly,
that I do not care either for Adobe or for Flash, but I have no choice
but to use them, which means that Fedora cannot be my primary OS.  If
Fedora had showed anything but dithering on dom0 virtualization, I
might consider Fedora as a primary OS with Windows as an expensive

>> Vmware Player for Windows, unlike Red Hat's various experiments with
>> virtualization, actually works in a way I can use.
> That's why I use Virtualbox. You should try it.
There is clearly some virtualization scheme that will work, even if
Fedora has so far failed to deliver it in a way that I could use.

Robert Myers.
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