On 06/29/2012 08:53 AM, Eddie G.O'Connor Jr-I wrote:
> Have a bit of an issue. Not sure how serious it is, but I'm hoping someone can
> point me in the right direction. Here's the skinny:
> I "Check For Updates" and it shows me that there's 1 update to install.
> The name of the update is called: "Collada 3D Import & Export Libraries"
> openCOLLADA-0-12.svn871.fc16(32-bit)
> The error message I get after it fails is:
> 1:blender-2.59-5.fc16.i686 requires libMathMLSolver.so.svn838
> 1:blender-2.59-5.fc16.i686 requires libOpenCOLLADAStreamWriter.so.svn838
> 1:blender-2.59-5.fc16.i686 requires libGeneratedSaxParser.so.svn838
> 1:blender-2.59-5.fc16.i686 requires libOpenCOLLADASaxFrameworkLoader.so.svn838
> 1:blender-2.59-5.fc16.i686 requires libOpenCOLLADABaseUtils.so.svn838
> 1:blender-2.59-5.fc16.i686 requires libOpenCOLLADAFramework.so.svn838 : 
> Success -
> empty transaction
> My System:
> Gateway T-6321 Laptop
> 3GB Max Total Memory
> Running Gnome 3.2.1
> Fedora 16 - Kernel:  3.4.2-1.fc16.i686 #1 SMP
> Anyone have any ideas? Not sure if I have to install the listed items 
> individually,
> or if they all come in this same package that won't update.....awaiting anyone
> input, and thanx in advance!

Apparently you have the fedora-updates-testing.repo enabled.  That package is in
"testing" and it seems there is not a new blender to match.

When these things happen, I just wait.  I know there is a way specifically 
these repo issues....but don't know the actual procedure.  

Never be afraid to laugh at yourself, after all, you could be missing out on 
the joke
of the century. -- Dame Edna Everage
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