On Tue, 2012-06-26 at 13:37 -0400, Jim wrote:
> Fedora 17 new install on a USB connected hard drive.
> I have Dell Dimension 2400 with WindowsXP installed, But !! I can't
> get this Dell to Boot off a CDROM.
> by even setting up BIOS to boot off CDROM.
> Yes the CD is a Bootable CD.  If you read the CD from within WindowsXP
> it will read the the files on the CD.
> I was thinking about taking hard drive out the Dell and USB connect
> the hard drive to another Computer and do a resize of WindowsXP and
> install Fedora on hard drive and setting up the hard drive as a Boot
> drive , then put it back into the Dell 2400.
> The Dell hard drive is a IDE drive and My computer is SATA so I can't
> put the Dell hard drive in my PC.
> Will it Work ????

Well there are several things.
1. The F17 DVD only boots on selected machines. Of my machines it boots
on only w2 of the three.
2. Howerver I found it will boot if you perform the following procedure.
Go into the Bios and then into the Boot Sequence option. You don't have
to do anything except exit the Boot sequence and exit  the bios. Exit
and save if it asks you that. The the DVD will boot to the Install oe
Update screen. Chose that and the booting will continue after producing
the following mysterious erroo messgae:

Error could not insert 'floppy' no such device
Loading   Fedora 17 i686 install
rpcbind terminating on  signal. Restart with "rpcbind -w"

Just let the error message sit there until it goes in to the language
choice menu. 

All my problems have been on Dell machines.

The Angels want to wear my red shoes. -- E. Costello
Aaron Konstam telephone: (210) 656-0355 e-mail: akons...@sbcglobal.net

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