On 06/24/2012 09:07 AM, Ed Greshko wrote:
> Unfortunately at the moment I don't know either.

After spending a fair deal of time on this "interesting" matter.....I found it

The desktop theme definitions are kept in /usr/share/kde4/apps/desktoptheme/  . 
modify things you need to use an svg editor such as inkscape.  The question then
becomes which fileS to modify to get the desired result.

I say fileS since it seems that one has to know which files to modify...and 
how.  It
seems, to make matters worse, that there is an interaction between files 
located in
"default" and whatever theme you are using.   If some attribute isn't defined 
in the
files of your theme then they are gotten from files in the default.  Also, it 
one has to know in which order files are read/evaluated.

To sum things up.....  It ain't easy....  :-(

I also did some googling on the matter and my "ain't easy" conclusion is upheld 
many others.  (People in another thread may want to google this topic....they 
learn something about opinions of KDE developers... :-) :-)  And cries for the
good-old-days of KDE 3.4)  Hope I don't regret saying all that.....

With all that in mind....  The patch of least resistance seems to be either

A.  Find a theme, even though it has a translucent taskbar, which is more 
B.  Find a theme that give you an opaque taskbar...  LIke 
Gaia_Recycled....which I
don't like.  But who cares about my opinion.  :-)

Never be afraid to laugh at yourself, after all, you could be missing out on 
the joke
of the century. -- Dame Edna Everage
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