On 06/23/2012 07:59 AM, Mike Wohlgemuth wrote:
Someone claimed that they found gnome bashing tiresome. Your response
was they should complain to the Gnome developers.
No, that wasn't my response.
If one were going to kill a snake, then I would indeed _suggest_
smashing its head rather than its tail, but all that presupposes that
one should try to kill the snake.
It seemed sort of
analogous to ordering a pizza in a restaurant and realizing it has
anchovies on it. You hate anchovies, but it was clearly labeled as
coming with anchovies. It seems at this point you could choose to
take the anchovies off and eat the rest of the pizza. Or you could
talk to the wait staff about resolving the issue. Or you could
complain loudly to all the other patrons, and when the other patrons
express displeasure with your actions, tell them that it is really the
restaurant's fault.
Well, here's a rather better analogy, reworking yours:
We have a bunch of people who have been going to a pizza restaurant
for some years. And they find the pizza to be quite excellent. Then,
suddenly, it is changed. The old sort of pizza is removed from the
menu, and it is replaced with a new one that a contingent of
"regulars" loathe. So _they_ -- not just one hypothetical patron but
a bloc of them -- begin complaining not only to the staff, but on
Yelp! but in letters-to-the-editor. And people who want to read
_different_ letters-to-the-editor become annoyed, and start
complaining about the complaining.
(Note: You don't have to read this mailing list to use Gnome, nor to
Fedora with or without Gnome. Analogically speaking, the complaining
is _not_ in the restaurant.)
Of course, the restaurant has a right to change its offerings, but the
complainers have a right to complain. And the people complaining
about the complaining -- well, shouldn't they know what they got
themselves in for in reading other people's comments?
One answer to the people who don't like the pizza is to tell them to
go somewhere else (even if there's no other pizza place in town). One
answer to the people who don't like the complaints about the pizza is
to tell them to stop reading Yelp! and the letters-to-the-editor (even
if there's nothing else to read). And these answers aren't either/or;
one could embrace each.
And one could embrace both of these answers, while suggesting that
someone complaining about the complaining might do better to try to
smash the head of a snake than to attempt to stomp on its tail.
This third option is what I find astonishingly arrogant.
Well, your attempts to interpret my psychology are grossly incompetent.
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