On 06/23/2012 08:52 AM, Ed Greshko wrote:
> On 06/23/2012 08:44 AM, quicksort wrote:
>> When I try to create a Commander' s root instance I get
>> this: "Error xdg-su gnomesu kdesu not found"
>> What' s wrong ?
> I'm a KDE user....  So, would you mind giving a bit more explanation than 
> "create a
> Commander's root instance"?  Also, what version of Fedora?

OK....  I found "gnome-commander".  It wasn't installed.  I installed it, 
started it,
and requested a root session.  Got the pop-up asking for a password.  Entered 
it and
got a root window.

I then checked what was running and found this....

/usr/bin/kdesu gnome-commander

As I mentioned....  I'm a KDE user so as one would expect I have kde-runtime
installed which provides /usr/bin/kdesu

I could not find any package  that supplies either xdg-su or gnomesu

I also just realized that my eyes missed your platform information at the top 
of your
original email.

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