On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 06:27:14AM -0700, Daniel wrote:
> On 06/22/2012 05:00 AM, Olav Vitters wrote:
> >On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 11:45:06PM -0700, Joe Zeff wrote:
> >>>On 06/21/2012 09:36 PM, Roger wrote:
> >>>>>As I understand it to date the devs say:
> >>>>>"Go away", rightly so,
> >>>>>and "Put up or shut up", again rightly so.
> >>>
> >>>I've never heard complaints about the KDE devs doing that, and I
> >>>know that the Xfce devs don't.  AFAIK, only the Gnome devs say that.
> >
> >Citation needed! :P
> I hope that you're not asking for a citation to the effect that the
> KDE or Xfce developers _don't_ respond to complaints with "Go away!"
> nor with "Put up or shut up!" and are simply asking for
> substantiation that Gnome developers _have_.

In Wikipedia "citation needed" is added to prove a claim. Basically a
reference to a study showing that in general GNOME developers give this
answer and secondly that XFCE as well as KDE developers don't do this.

I think it is somewhat normal to ask for more details. And I understand
that proving a negative is difficult (XFCE/KDE), but that should still
be possible (sampling of all the answers).

> In this latter case, what would you do with the substantiation?  If
> your response would be to shrug or to embrace the acts of
> rejection,it would hardly be worth the effort of providing the
> substantiation.  If, on the other hand, you promise to pour warm,
> stale beer on one of those developers, then I for one will be happy
> to track down an instance. :-;

So in short: you have a belief, no basis for it, but cannot be bothered
to properly investigate. You make a judgement about GNOME developers,
and when someone from GNOME asks for details, there are none.

Glad you cleared that up for me :)

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