On 06/16/2012 12:45 AM, Raymond Pittigher wrote:

Starting to use Fedora on a system or 2 instead of RHEL5 or 6 and I
notice that on my NFSv4 mounts I get this

drwx--x---. 28 4294967294 4294967294 4096 Apr 26 2011 user2
drwx--x---. 39 users1 user1 4096 Apr 26 2011 user1

Some users are displayed and some are nobody but I never have this issue
on RHEL.
The /etc/idmapd file is configured with the proper domain on both
systems and NFSv3 looks OK. Anybody else have this issue?

Is rpc.idmapd running?

Ian Chapman.
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