Oh I KNOW.....I was just telling someone that same thing. I have been a
Windows Admin for quite some years, as a matter of fat I had been using
it since Windows 3."X" and through all it's variations,
'95.....'98.....2K.....XP....Vista (what a piece of junk THAT was!( and
most recently 7. I just couldn't stand the sight of one more Blue Screen
Of Death, I got tired of ALWAYS having to restart after any type of
administrative task....I couldn't STAND those nasty colors in the
Desktop Appearance tab! All in all I had just about had it with Bill
Gates' view of what HE thought *I'd* like for a desktop environment. I
searched through a lot of the websites, and checked out a lot of
distros, but to me, Fedora looked completely different from the rest,
and that's what drew me to it. After taking the plunge and installing
it, I admit I had to get used to it, but now...I'm all OVER this
desktop! And I'm not ABOUT to watch it go away, not after I've worked so
hard to understand its ins and outs. Now granted it's not everyone's
favorite, but compared to the MS mentality of "This is what we've built,
and you WILL like it because we SAY so"!....Fedora is a whole new world
for me. I might try out a few different DE's but in my humble opinion
this IS the desktop for me! So to those of you who DON'T like it...well
it's like you said, feel free to try out, install and use whatever
desktop you like, and if it's something that Fedora doesn't have, the
maybe you SHOULD "migrate" to somewhere else? After all this is Linux,
not the think INSIDE the box mentality of windows! You can do whatever
you WANT on this side of the planet!....so....Happy Hunting!
On 06/15/2012 02:39 PM, Joe Zeff wrote:
On 06/15/2012 10:50 AM, Eddie G.O'Connor Jr-I wrote:
And I hope they leave Gnome alone! This stuff ROCKS!....LoL! (Can you
tell I'm still a noobie in regards to Linux in general!?) :o)
I'm very pleased to see that you're happy with the way Gnome currently
works. Clearly, you're part of their target audience; I'm not.
However, have you experimented with any of the other available DEs?
If you don't want to install them, you might consider using a LiveCD
with a KDE or Xfce spin just to see what they're like. After all, one
of the great things about Linux is that you're not forced to use a
"one size fits all" DE, as you are with Windows.
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