Antonio M wrote:
> I go to Nautilus, I click on Network, then on the name of my network,
> then on the shared folder list and I can mount it....
> I have no problems with Nautilus, but I don't see shared folder in any
> save/open file application window

Ian Chapman wrote:
> It's also available under a special folder called .gvfs in your
> homespace. In the save/open dialog, go to your home folder. Press
> the right mouse button on the list of files and select "Show Hidden
> Files". There should be a folder called .gvfs. Go into this folder
> and you should see the shares.

On Fedora 17, this has been moved to /run/user/$USER/gvfs, where “user”
is, well, the four letters u, s, e and r, and $USER is your login name.

Tip: if this bothers you, why not make ~/.gvfs into a symlink?

Hope this helps,


E-mail:     james@ | Top Tip: If you are being chased by a police dog, don’t | try to get away by crawling through a tunnel, going onto
                   | a little see-saw, and jumping through a hoop of fire.
                   | They are trained for that, you see.
                   |     -- “Bystander”, London magistrate
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