On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 11:37:53AM -0500, Aaron Konstam wrote:
> It is true that Gnome is product of the Gnome people not the fedora
> people. But since (it seems to me) Fedora is the only major distribution
> that uses Gnome as its default Desktop Environment the Fedora Board
> should be listened to by Gnome and the opinions of the Fedora users
> about the direction of Gnome development should also be listened to. 

GNOME listens to everyone (you can argue how much, but oh well). That
said, a lot of GNOME developers use Fedora, so that results in more
influence. I for instance package GNOME for Mageia. So I have more
influence at Mageia.

Note that if instead of listening to, you mean "must follow some
opinion", then that's not how things are done.

Suggest to be more clear/concrete.

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