On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 10:49 AM, Mateusz Marzantowicz
<mmarzantow...@osdf.com.pl> wrote:
> On 13.06.2012 16:06, David Mansfield wrote:
>> Hi,
>> In Fedora 17, according to:
>> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/NMEnterpriseNetworking
>> we should have bridge support in NetworkManager.  But I can't see any
>> reference other than this, and it appears to be not working.
>> 1. There's nothing in the GUI
>> 2. There's nothing in the cli
>> 3. Having configured a bridge using ifcfg scripts, NetworkManager now
>> says I'm offline, and the state of "p4p1" is "unmanaged"
>> Is there an additional package that needs to be installed to get this
>> support working, like a plugin or something?
>> I need a bridge so my libvirt/qemu/kvm VM can be a host on my LAN.
> Don't waste your time. If it isn't simple enough to just do it don't
> bother. You'd better disable/uninstall Network Manager service, enable
> plain old networking and configure bridge in
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/. I did this that way and I'm very happy
> right now. Someday you'll see a big button labeled "configure bridged
> networking" in Network Manager GUI.

I've been looking for bonding support in Network Manager for a long
time.... maybe one day it will be added...

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