Am 05.06.2012 00:46, schrieb Trever L. Adams:
> On 06/04/2012 02:11 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> yes and no the instructions from wiki are working fine if you make a own 
>> grub-entry and do not forget remove it
>> after conversion BUT you need someone for a pwoer-cycle after the upgrade 
>> because "reboot" ends in a kerenl-panic
>> directly after upgrade (tested in a virtual machine with 4 dsiks / RAID 10)
> Thank you. I am sorry I missed these. This worked perfectly on two machines 
> (one of which just has a screwy
> firmware that won't boot from a SATA DVD).
> The only caveat is that many services that were initd style in F16 and not 
> systemd don't start properly. This
> includes zabbix server and agent

you have always to make sure which services are enabled
after a dist-upgrade in both directions: the one you
need to run and the one you do not want to run

especially if services are converted from sysv to systemd

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