Stop this! (please)

2012/5/28 Joel Rees <>:
> On Sat, May 26, 2012 at 5:20 PM, Reindl Harald <> wrote:
>> Am 26.05.2012 07:45, schrieb Joel Rees:
>>>>> Do you understand the reason you still set up swap, even though your
>>>>> entire workload working set fits into RAM?
>>>> there is no single reason if you have enough RAM
>>> In an ideal world, RAM would not consume energy.
>>> This is a real world, what energy I have on the train is a small
>>> Lithium ion battery.
>> why in the world do you wake up this thread after weeks again?
> The after three weeks part is that I have a day job and a night job,
> and trying to keep up with the mailing list is not top priority for
> me.
> The wake it up part, I guess, is that I really, really think hibernate
> is important.
> And technical accuracy is also important to me.
> You contribute some good things to the list, Riendl, but your field of
> vision seems severely limited to your own working set. And some of the
> things you say (nothing but greedy RAM policies in any Unix-like OS?
> No reason to use a low-power netbook running Fedora on the train?) are
> just plain wrong.
> --
> Joel Rees
> --
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