Aaron Konstam wrote:
On Tue, 2012-05-22 at 09:14 -0400, Bill Davidsen wrote:
Aaron Konstam wrote:
On Tue, 2012-05-22 at 00:32 -0700, Edward M wrote:
Iḿ currently trying creating a custom Fedora 16 LiveCD. from Fedoraś
wiki howto called " How to create and use a LiveCD.¨
As order in the wiki, I have installed: livecd-tools, sping-kickstarts
and then changed Selinux permissive mode to 0 and executed the
following command:
livecd-creator \
--config=/usr/share/spin-kickstarts/fedora-livecd-desktop.ks \
--fslabel=Fedora-LiveCD --cache=/var/cache/live
So far everything seems going well, well no errors:-) However the shell
prompt is busy at this point:
138 man subdirectories contained newer manual pages.
3105 manual pages were added.
0 stray cats were added.
0 old database entries were purged.
since this is my first trying this, iḿ not sure how long this usually
takes on a Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU 540 @ 3.07GHz with
4GB RAM or simply the procedure has gone awol?
A better approach id to download the latest version of "unetbootin" from
unetbootin.sourceforge.net. This will allow you to easily produce a Live
USB of F16 and use it to boot it.
But you still need the CD/DVD image file unless you plan on using just the stock
install DVD. Also note that doing just that, I found that installing from USB
onto a new (unpartitioned) SSD the install asked for a network connection and
wouldn't install without it. Since I lack a huge supply of systems to play I can
only say it happened on three (different) small systems.
Let be clear . Installing the Live USB does not reqire an internet
connection. And while you have the F16 running you can bring up the
connection just as you would in F16. Then you can download the Live F16
into the hard drive. Along the way you get a chance to partition the
disk just as you would from the install DVD. I just installed F16 this
way without any problems.
I did three new machines lest month, each from Live USB, each with a new
unpartitioned drive, each of which demanded a network connection and would not
continue. fc15 worked, RHEL6 worked, FC16 did not. Since there is not network
connection I did not use FC16 on those machines. I may have another machine next
month, if the same problem occurs I'll take a picture, but it was totally
consistent, and other than general configuration not on the same identical machines.
Bill Davidsen <david...@tmr.com>
"We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked." - from Slashdot
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