On 05/19/2012 04:50 PM, JD wrote:
> No, I played the sound file you mention.
> The rattle I hear is like RRRRRRR
> It is kind of faint, and fades quickly to silence - has that
> rattle I am trying to express with the sound of the letter
> R as the Scots roll their R's.
> In school, we uses to use our small rulers by placing
> the ruler flat on the desk, with most of it sticking out,
> so that only a small part of it was on the desk, and
> we would press hard with one hand on the short end,
> while we would snap the free end.
> While typing this message, I laptop made that sound 3 times.
> frikin' thing is annoying! 

Well, it is kinda starting to sound more like a hardware issue.  I suppose I've
assumed you've eliminated that....

You can always go to /usr/share/sounds and play all that is there to find if 
any match.

Never be afraid to laugh at yourself, after all, you could be missing out on 
the joke
of the century. -- Dame Edna Everage
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