--- On Mon, 5/7/12, Joe Zeff <j...@zeff.us> wrote:

> From: Joe Zeff <j...@zeff.us>
> Subject: Re: X Hang when starting machine
> To: "Community support for Fedora users" <users@lists.fedoraproject.org>
> Date: Monday, May 7, 2012, 5:52 PM
> On 05/07/2012 05:39 PM, Antonio
> Olivares wrote:
> > I welcome ideas suggestions and comments.  I am
> hitting this bug on a daily basis as my students use this
> machine for school work and it is not working well.  My
> students are upset at me, because I have to add the extra
> enforcing=0, when things should just work.
> What made you decide that SELinux was part of the problem,
> or did you simply disable it by reflex?  Are you
> getting any security alerts?  When you say that X
> doesn't start, do you mean that you're able to log in but
> then X doesn't come up or do you mean that you don't even
> get a login screen?  Have you checked any of the
> appropriate logs when you're logged into a console, and if
> so, have they told you anything?  These and more are
> probably questions you'd ask your students and for good
> reason: you haven't really given us anything to go on.
> -- users mailing list

Saw another thread that selinux was causing Gnome 3 to go back to fallback 
mode.   Machine was working correctly auto logging in.  I have not seen any 
sealerts, but by using enforcing=0, machine works correctly thereby confirming 
my suspicions and the the ones in the thread, but can't remember which one.  

I update the machine on a regular basis and it has worked, but I have to 
restart it several times so that X comes up, otherwise it just appears to hang 


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