Cameron, Very nice explanation of how do'able this is. Thank you.
> From: Cameron Simpson <>
>To: Community support for Fedora users <>
>Sent: Thursday, May 3, 2012 6:36 PM
>Subject: Re: Can you stack nice and ionice?
>On 03May2012 16:08, Richard Shaw <> wrote:
>| I have a CPU and IO intensive task I'd like to tame a bit but I'm not
>| sure if this can be done in a one-liner. Since both nice and ionice
>| are designed to run only a single command I'm not sure if the
>| following would work:
>| ionice -c3 nice -n19 <process>
>| It looks like to me that ionice is going to run nice who's going to
>| run the task.
>Should work just fine. ionice _is_ running just one command:
> nice -n19 <process>
>Note that "<process>" will need to be a command, and not something like
>"-p pid".
>| I tried examining the first example using pstree but I don't think the
>| processes "stacked".
>They will exec, so no parent/child stuff. ionice will set the ionice
>setting then exec the next command. Likewise nice.
>There are plenty of little commands with this behaviour: make a setting
>change and then execute comething with the new setting: env etc. I've
>got a bunch of shell scripts with similar usage patterns as well. These
>"prefix" commands make a lot of simple things very easy to express in
>Cameron Simpson <> DoD#743
>Like dogs and muggers, transistors can sense fear. - Norman Yarvin
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