Am 07.04.2012 21:43, schrieb jdow:
> On 2012/04/07 10:55, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> correct, but there will always be          Reindl, you are a useful
>> new users which are not                   member of this list. Please
>> realizing that they are doing              drop this nonsense so this
>> something wrong and they can              impression is not destroyed
>> not realize if no one is telling it       by your incessant banal banter.
>> but they are not the real problem         You are the real problem.
>> the real problem are people answering     You take offense at people being
>> in this topic "The normal way             people, for newbies being newbies.
>> to reply is to use reply all" because     This is silly, counter productive,
>> they are learning resistent,              and rather childish.
>> have no idea how to use a mail-client
>> and tell users which maybe                {^_^} (With malice aforethought.)
>> partly understood what they are doing
>> wrong that they do not

the only childish things are "funny" replies like yours

i only try to explain how to use really simple things
like a mailing list and how to use a mailprogram

if this is a problem for you i can not really help you

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