Am 06.04.2012 18:38, schrieb Heinz Diehl:
> On 06.04.2012, Reindl Harald wrote: 
>> anybody out there must not open port 25 from the internet
>> becuase he was able to type "yum install postfix"
> In this case, one must indeed have opened port 25 manually, since "yum
> install postfix" does not install any postfix configuration which has
> port 25 opened by default.

i forgot the <sarcasm> tags

yes it is easy to remove the # in "" after "yum install"
but if this is all somebody does after install a MTA and make
him listening on WAN interfaces he should stop what ever doing
amnd reading many manuals before or outsource the task to
people knwong how to setup public mailservers

there is no single excuse for a open relay these days
not for a single second ona wan interface

public servers have to be tested and secured before
they see the first time internet connections and by
the hugeh damage open relays are doing all over the
world this is the most important rule for mailservices

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