> I am only really going to need Windows for some trading apps I have that are
> only available on Windows. I have a desktop I dedicate for that, but if I
> travel it'd be nice to be able to keep up on things and have all the tools I
> am used to. There are some other Windows tools that only run on Windows also
> but I use them very infrequently.

In this case, I can offer something radical:
If the application still supports Windows 2K, ebay for a used copy of
Windows 2K and install it under VirtualBox (no use in wasting an
expensive VMWare license for that) and limit the use of this VM to the
trading application and nothing else.
In my experience, if you limit the Windows 2K usage to a single
application and surround it with a good firewall (saving the need to
install A/V and F/W software on the VM), you'll get host-like
performance - even on a low end netbook.

- Gilboa
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