On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 7:53 AM, Mark Haney <ma...@abemblem.com> wrote:
> On 04/03/2012 09:21 AM, T.C. Hollingsworth wrote:
>> I assume you're still using KDE?  In that case, you probably have to
>> enable Desktop Effects in System Settings for transparency to be
>> functional.  It's disabled by default on Fedora, while Kubuntu enables
>> it IIRC.
>> -T.C.
> I've enabled it and will check it after I reboot.  I could have sworn that I
> didn't need to do that before.  I know I used transparency in KDE3.  Devs
> must have folded that into Desktop Effects.

No need to reboot, just press ALT+SHIFT+F12 to enable desktop effects
immediately.  (It used to just enable it automatically when you
checked the enable them at startup box, but I guess it doesn't

KDE 3 actually had rudimentary support for desktop effects in later
versions, which Konsole could use for transparency.  Before that, it
supported "fake transparency" which just used the desktop wallpaper as
a background to the terminal.

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