On 03/26/2012 12:26 AM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
> On 03/26/2012 12:50 AM, Bruno Martins wrote:
>> On 03/25/2012 08:00 PM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
>>> On 03/25/2012 07:19 PM, Steven Stern wrote:
>>>> On 03/25/2012 02:07 AM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
>>>>> F16, Gnome3.   (sent also to gnome NM list)
>>>>> I am at a friend's house in Amsterdam trying to get connect to his
>>>>> wireless and it is failing, so this message SHOULD go out when I
>>>>> get to
>>>>> the KLM lounge tommorrow (that was working friday)...
>>>>> A major defiency is the loss of deleting SSID configurations. 
>>>>> There is
>>>>> no 'delete' feature anymore in the Network Settings panel.
>>>>> // snip
>>>> This my be XFCE specific, but I can delete connections: Right click on
>>>> the NM applet and select Edit Connections. On the Wireless, tab, select
>>>> the connection in question and click the big DELETE button to the
>>>> right.
>>> Right click on the NM applet does nothing in Gnome3.  So do I send
>>> the bug report to redhat or gnome?
>> It does, here. By the way, it does the same as left-clicking on it.
> Well, yes.  Right or left clicking SELECTS the SSID for connection
> attempt.  There is no option to edit it and delete information about it.
>> You have a Network Settings option there.
> If I go into Settings, I can change the SSID security to none and that
> confuses things a bit, it still tries that SSID, but immediately gives
> me the password dialog instead of trying and timing out with a bad
> password.  There is no way to downgrade an SSID to 'see but ignore' status.

Does your account have sudo privs?  Mine does. I wonder if that's the
difference between what we see.

-- Steve
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