On 03/12/2012 10:07 AM, arag...@dcsnow.com wrote:
> Hello all,
> I did a little searching but didn't come up with anything.  I'm using
> Fedora 16 and am about to start doing some database work on some
> databases that were built in Mysql 5 (I think).  I know there have
> been some forks since Sun then Oracle took over the project.  Is Mysql
> still the "standard" or has one of the forks taken over?
> I know Mysql is still there and can be installed but it might be a
> good idea to move where everyone else is moving for compatibility. 
> That is if people are moving at all.
> Thanks.
> ---
> Will Y.
> -- 
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> believed to be clean. 

The original author of mysql has created mariaDB http://mariadb.org/
which I believe is claimed to maintain compatability with mysql.  Some
linux distros are considering offering alternative packages.  PostGreSQL
http://www.postgresql.org/ is also quite popular and has its advantages
and disadvantages over mysql.  While a subset of PostgreSQL and Mysql
are compatible, both have extensions that are not.  If your looking for
something more compatible with mysql, then I think mariadb is what you want.

SQLite http://www.sqlite.org is also popular for certain purposes.


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