On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 11:04, Hiisi <hi...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> Network setup:
> A -> B -> C
> Host A can connect to host B but not to host C directly. So, I do the
> following. First, from host C I connect to B:
> ssh -R 10002;localhost:22 user@B

Shouldn't that ";" be a ":"?

> When I need to connect to C from A first I connect to B:
> ssh user@B
> And from there I can go to C:
> ssh user@localhost -P 10002
> This thing, as you can see, is a classical ssh tunnel. However I would
> like to use X applications on C from A, i.e. starting graphical
> applications like firefox or rdesktop. Using -X when connecting to
> each machine doesn't help. Could anybody provide me some hint on it?

Anyway, now to your question. I think you should use the ProxyCommand
option for ssh. If A, B and C are fixed. You can put the folowing in
your ~/.ssh/config.

# using B as proxy to C
Host    C
        User            useronC
        ProxyCommand    ssh -q B nc %h 22

Host    B
        User            useronB

This will let you do the following:

$ ssh -X B
$ ssh -X C


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